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Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program

In the efforts to combat both chronic and acute malnutrition, LIFE Nepal, in technical and financial support from UN-WFP implemented Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program in 20 rural/municipalities of Sarlahi, Dhanusha, and Rautahat districts in Province no.2 Nepal. LIFE Nepal had aimed to contribute to the prevention and reduction of the secondary socio-economic impact of COVID-19 among vulnerable groups through preventing malnutrition among children 6-23 months of age, and pregnant and lactating women (PLW), and enhancing knowledge of mothers, care takers and community members on optimal nutrition and feeding practices.
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Knowledge transferred:
– 483 key stakeholders like mayor, deputy mayor, chief district officer, chief of health division of municipality, health coordinator, ward chairperson of respective wards, female ward members, office assistant, chief of health post oriented on the BSFP program based on the interim BSFP Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), endorsed by the Family Welfare Division (FWD)/Nutrition Cluster.
– 726 FCHVs, 347 health workers, 229 volunteers, 116 casual workers oriented on the WSB distribution process and mobilized during the distribution.
– About 51285 community people informed and aware on optimal nutrition and feeding practices through nutrition IEC materials.
– ANC, PNC, and Immunization card of children was mandatory for the verification of beneficiaries, however, some of the children and mothers had not card. Hence, LIFE Nepal facilitated for the card as well. Mothers aware that they must have such a card in terms of getting government services. About 500 PLW and children formed ANC, PNC, and Immunization card.

Coordination established:
– A functional coordination at province, three districts, and twenty municipalities established.

Food distributed:
– 309.14 MT of required WSB transported from district head quarter to targeted 20 municipalities of Rautahat, Dhanusha and Sarlahi districts and stored at warehouses.
– WSB distributed to 21118 PLW and 28985 children aged 6-23 months, in total 50103

“I appreciate the entire team of LIFE Nepal and WFP to bring such program in our municipality. The BSF program has been a great support for our community people in the time of COVID-19 where people have hard time managing for food for their family. He adds, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the most vulnerable group are pregnant, lactating mothers and children under 5 years who requires nutritious food mostly to manage their basic need such as food. The maximum number of family depends on the daily wages. Since the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown has made it worst for them to earn money to fulfill their needs. In this situation, this program has been a great aid to the poor and vulnerable people like children and PLW in the community. Therefore, I heartily thank WFP and LIFE Nepal who have supported us in this critical time and wish if the program can continue for long term.” – Mr. Mahendra Mahato, Chairman, Chandranagar Rural Municipality, Sarlahi
Project Area:

Dhanusha: Janaknandani, Bateshwar, Kamala, and Mithilabihari Sarlahi: Haripur, Kaudena, Godaita, Kabilashi, Chakraghatta, Brahmapuri, Ramnagar, Malangba, Basbariya, Chandranagar, and Balara Rautahat: Rajdevi, Durgabhagbati, Madhavnarayan, Gaur, and Baudhimai

Target Group

Children, care taker, pregnant, and lactating mothers

Programme Duration:

October 2021-March 2022

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