
+977 -41-590142

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Sun - Fri: 10:00 - 17:00


Thematic Area /Health


Mitigated the specific vulnerability of infants and children in the context of COVID-19.

By promoting optimal infant and young children feeding practices and effectively mobilizing Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) while utilizing local communication channels, the program successfully reduced the specific vulnerability of infants and children in the context of COVID-19. This involved the dissemination of 70,000 pieces of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials containing vaccination information. Additionally, Megaphone announcements were carried out through Tuk-Tuk mobilization in 32 Palikas. Before the implementation, a rapid inquiry was conducted in selected 248 wards, involving the mobilization of four project staff and 320 volunteers who were previously oriented on the checklist for data collection.


Raised awareness among caregivers, adolescents, and pregnant and lactating women (PLW) regarding their micronutrient needs.

In the effort to sensitize caregivers and Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLWs) on micronutrient needs, LIFE disseminated 8 nutrition Public Service Announcements (PSAs) through FM radio channels in Bhojpuri and Maithili languages. The key message revolved around raising awareness about caring for babies over 6 months of age, emphasizing increased breastfeeding frequency. Pregnant women were advised to learn breastfeeding techniques in the context of the coronavirus, addressing concerns about its transmission through breast milk. Additionally, LIFE conveyed messages about caring for children above 6 months and increasing breastfeeding in pandemic situations through the mobilization of Tuk-tuks, rickshaws, and vehicles at the local level. Furthermore, 155,160 flyers carrying messages on proper nutrition were distributed as part of this initiative.