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Flood Preparedness and Response Program

Due to the inadequate technical capacity of provincial and local governments to update child centered DRR & CEE policy, strategies, and guidance and functional CMIS/DMIS (BIPAD) for effective and timely response in monsoon disaster, LIFE Nepal with the technical and financial assistance from UNICEF implemented “Flood Preparedness and Response Programme” in 32 selected Palikas of eight districts of Madhesh Province, Nepal in relation to collaborate and capacitate the municipalities, strengthen, and functionalize CMIS/DMIS (BIPAD) and better preparedness for effective and timely response in monsoon disaster in COVID-19 context.
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– Flood preparedness and response plan developed in 4 Palikas of Dhanusha (Sahidnagar, Janaknandani) and Rautahat (Rajpur, Ishnath) districts including the information of vulnerable community, risk areas, possible shelter areas, locally available rescue materials arrangement, etc.
– The existing clusters identified at local government level.
– The task force formed at cluster level and DRR committee at ward level.
– One desktop computer supported to Shahidnagar Municipality for Palika level disaster information management by IMO.
– SOP developed and introduced in all 4 Palikas of Dhanusha and Rautahat district for the endorsement by upcoming meeting.
– Emergency fund mobilization guideline developed and introduced in 4 Palikas of Dhanusha and Rautahat district and got commitment of endorsing by upcoming meeting.
– Total 632 municipality level stakeholders enhanced skills and knowledge on first aid, search and rescue and they became as local level human resource for rescue and first aid.
– Total 96 child club members trained and enhanced their knowledge on the precaution and pre-alert activities in the emergency.
– Total 4 hoarding board designed, developed, and installed at high-risk areas of the community to aware people on shelter area, evacuation route if any emergency occurs.
– Procured early warning materials like siren, hand mike, etc. and handed over to local government to establish early warning system at municipalities level.
– A communication channel drafted and shared to the local government DRR focal points.
– Simulation exercise on flood completed in all 4 municipalities facilitated by trained human resources. Community people oriented on the working modality during the emergency including the use of local materials.
– Identified shelters in the municipalities were equipped with materials like hand pump, bucket, jug, and cleaning materials etc. as well as renovated or constructed toilet, installed hand pump for the proper use of shelter house.
– Local Governments were supported with rescue materials i.e., life jacket, rope, siren, rubber tub, swimming tube, helmet, tarpaulin etc. as well as materials useful in search and rescue, first aid as per the preparedness and response plan.

“With support from UNICEF, LIFE Nepal has done very commendable job in the flood zone in Dhanusha district. The rescue materials provided by LIFE Nepal is very useful and the rate of wealth and human casualties will decrease. The provincial government are also preparing a 10-year disaster management plan.” -Mr Gyanendra Kumar Yadav, Honorable Minister of Internal Affair and Law, Madhesh Province
Project Area:

Saptati, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara, and Parsa districts of Madhesh Province, Nepal

Target Group

Flood survivors, youth, children, local governments

Programme Duration:

16th August 2021-15th February 2022

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