
+977 -41-590142

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Sun - Fri: 10:00 - 17:00


Thematic Area / Livelihood


Young women have gained confidence in their ability to earn a living as they have acquired valuable skills.

LIFE Nepal offered vocational training to 13 survivors of child marriage who were socio-economically disadvantaged. Alongside the training, the organization provided essential materials such as scissors, scales, tape, clothes, chalk, needles, and thread to help them initiate small businesses and enhance their daily/monthly income, contributing to their economic upliftment. As a result of this training and support, three young women were able to boost their monthly income by NPR 5000-6000 through their tailoring shops. This success has instilled confidence in them, as they now recognize their ability to earn a substantial income, empowered by the acquired skills.


Income-generating activity (IGA) support has elevated the income of a gender-based violence (GBV) survivor, thereby contributing to the education of children.

Asha Kumari Mandal got married at the age of 17, but within a year, her husband engaged in polygamy, citing that Asha was not deemed beautiful enough. This led to their separation, leaving Asha with a 2-year-old child. Facing neglect and mistreatment from her in-laws, she struggled to obtain her child's birth certificate and her marriage certificate. Despite verbal abuse when raising these legal identity issues, Asha decided to leave her husband's house and sought refuge with her maternal parents, who were aware of her situation and provided crucial support. Leaving her son in the care of her maternal home, Asha moved to the city. In the city, she seized the opportunity to learn the basics of a beauty parlor course, aligning with her interest and skills in cosmetics and beauty services. LIFE Nepal learned about Asha's situation through local ward members and extended support by providing equipment worth 20,000 for the establishment of a small-scale beauty parlor. With determination, she started earning from the parlor and eventually brought her son, who had been under the care of her maternal parents, to the city. Using her earnings, Asha enrolled her child in a boarding school, and now she lives contentedly with her little son. She shares that her son aspires to become a doctor, and she is committed to working diligently to fulfill his dreams.