
+977 -41-590142

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Opening Hours

Sun - Fri: 10:00 - 17:00

About Us

LIFE Nepal / About Us

Championing the Rights of Women, children, and Youth,

LIFE Nepal is women-lead non-profit making organization committed to uplifting marginalized communities in Madhesh Province, Nepal. LIFE Nepal is established in 2012 and registered with the District Administration Office, Dhanusha, and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu. The organization is dedicated to improve the life situation of women, children ,adolescent, youth, girls, marginalized communities, dalits, religious minorities and people with disabilities.

The mission of LIFE Nepal is to ensure access to essential services including health, nutrition, education, water sanitation and hygiene, child and social protection, and livelihood opportunities. By empowering individuals with knowledge and skills enhancement through technology transfer, participatory approaches, and community engagement, LIFE Nepal strives to create a justice and equitable society where everyone can thrive.

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Last Year We Helped 8,000 People, Kids
and Families.