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Child Protection Programme

There is a scarcity of child protection services, mental health and psychosocial support, as well as cash care interventions for children and adolescents at risk of or surviving violence. Additionally, there is a lack of access to gender-based violence (GBV) risk mitigation, prevention, or response due to the low capacity of staff. Furthermore, there is an absence of mental health and psychosocial support for children, adolescents, parents, and primary caregivers. LIFE Nepal, with technical and financial assistance from UNICEF, had implemented a “Child Protection” program in 32 selected Palikas (municipalities) across eight districts in Madhesh Province, Nepal.
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Awareness Activities:
– 317 persons with disabilities (PWD) were made aware of CG and BR through megaphone announcements, virtual meetings, and door-to-door visits by Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs), along with the distribution of flyers.
– 384 Palika representatives, including mayors, deputy mayors, Chief Administrative Officers (CAO), and other officials, were oriented on BR and CG issues through both physical and virtual meetings.

Palika Level Interventions:
– Massive interventions were conducted at the Palika level, particularly in four focus Palikas, with the aim of declaring them as fully BR and CG covered local governments.

Information Dissemination:
– A total of 55,260 display flexes and flyers were printed and disseminated in communities and local government units. This was done through the efforts of FCHVs, youth volunteers, and megaphone announcements.
– Twenty hoarding boards were prepared, and four were set up at strategic locations in Palikas. The remaining hoarding boards would be dispatched to respective Palikas after the normalization of the COVID-19 situation.

Media Engagement:
– Four local FM stations were selected to continuously air jingles and Public Service Announcements (PSAs) on BR and CG in local languages.

Capacity Building:
– A total of 437 FCHVs and Local Government (LG) health focal persons, including 65 health focal person representatives, were oriented on the provision of CG and their roles in promoting the importance of BR and CG at the Palika level.
– Out of the total, 372 FCHVs were mobilized at the community level across all Palikas in the four selected districts to raise awareness on birth registration and child grant issues.

Referral System:
– A total of 367 children under five years were identified by FCHVs with BR and CG-related issues and were subsequently referred to the local government unit (ward offices).

A mayor monitored a Megaphone Announcement program. He found that this program was very much helpful in terms of informing, awareness raising, sensitizing rural communities, religious minority, and marginalized people basically on child grant and birth registration. Though this program targeted rural communities, religious minorities, and marginalized people and they are needing one, he became happy and appreciate the work of LIFE Nepal.” – Mr. Anil Yadav, Mayor of Mithila Bihari Municipality of Dhanusha district.
Project Area:

32 selected Palikas of Saptati, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara, and Parsa districts of Madhesh Province, Nepal

Target Group

Children, adolescents, parents, and primary caregivers

Programme Duration:

16th August 2021-15th February 2022

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